Student Loans After Bankruptcy

It is a good thing to be well conversant with the laws governing bankruptcy. If you do, then you will know that student loans are among the debts that you can never get away with. If this is the case, what about getting access to a student loan after filing bankruptcy? To begin with, there are two types of such loans; private and government.

Government loans are much more flexible to access and this is for one reason; they are not necessarily based on your credit worth. In any case, the government has a responsibility to ensure that you get access to basic social amenities like education. The aim of the government is to make your life better regardless of your background.

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Private student loan lenders on the other hand will require to know your credit standing before they can offer you anything. Again, private lenders will tend to charge you higher interest on your installments because they are in lending business.

One limitation with the government loan is that there is a certain limit to the amount you can get. If in case you decide to take the loan but feel it is not sufficient, you can consider other options. This may be tough but it calls for sacrifice. You can consider having part time classes and a part time job to supplement on the loan. Although it will take you a longer time to complete your studies, you will be able to rely on a loan that has a fixed interest rate and which you will comfortably be able to repay over the years.

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