In the past years, people who were in some deep financial difficulties could aid their problems with the use of a credit card. Now however, it is more difficult to do that. With the rise of job losses being reported almost every day in the news and with the credit card tightened and shrunk, we can see why bankruptcy filing today has risen tremendously.
The financial crisis in the United States can be the main cause of this problem and the future of the economy still unstable and even harder to predict, it may be such a wise thing to start bankruptcy filing today.
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People that go to credit counseling agencies to seek help are in worse shape than ever financially. Not even the credit counseling agencies could do anything to help them. So as early as today, if you are experiencing some difficulties financially and cannot find the means to pay your debt, try to consider filing bankruptcy before you really find yourself in a really bad shape.
You can start bankruptcy filing today through the internet. There are many sites on the net that you can choose from but you have to keep in mind that no information on any sites is intended to replace legal advice of a professional bankruptcy lawyer. You can save some money by filing bankruptcy online.
There are two types of bankruptcy that you can either file. The most common is the chapter 7 type of bankruptcy which can be done without a bankruptcy lawyer for simple cases that can save you some money. The other second type of bankruptcy is chapter 13, which is a repayment plan or reorganization.
Chapter 7 is a straight or liquidation type of bankruptcy which means that the properties of a debtor are liquidated to cover his debts. This type of bankruptcy is a simple type that can discharge the debts of the debtor. Chapter 13, on the other hand, provides a legally agreed repayment plan that a debtor has to qualify. The debts are not completely discharged and the debtor is obliged to pay his debt, although the time period will be longer but still reasonable for the creditors.
If you already have decided to file bankruptcy by yourself, you will need to file a petition to the bankruptcy court. There are ways that you can file bankruptcy depending on the way you want things done. The easy way is to hire a bankruptcy lawyer and pay him to do all the work for you. The job of the bankruptcy lawyer is to guide you through the process, represent you in credit meetings and provide advice for your financial problems. This can sound so easy but the fee for hiring a bankruptcy lawyer can be very expensive. The cheapest process is to do it all by yourself. That can save you a lot of money which you can really use later. This way can be a little difficult if you cannot understand the basic of the bankruptcy law and how the system works.
My advice to most people who want to file bankruptcy is to do it both ways. Hire a petition preparer or a bankruptcy lawyer to prepare your papers. This can save you a lot of trouble, and the flat fee you pay them is usually worth the taking. After all your papers are done, you can do all the rest by yourself. This is the most affordable and efficient way you can ever file bankruptcy today. For more information on how to file bankruptcy affordably, visit the link below.
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